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Elder brother of ex

2024-10-08 19:02:27      点击:712

Prosecutors questioned an elder brother of former President Lee Myung-bak on Thursday in a widening probe over a corruption scandal surrounding an auto parts company linked to Lee and his family.

   Lee Sang-eun, the chairman of auto parts maker DAS, was called in for questioning over the alleged creation of a slush fund and unfair trade related to the company, as well as proceeds the former president's family gained from the sale of a large piece of land in southern Seoul.

Lee Sang-eun (Yonhap)Lee Sang-eun (Yonhap)

   On paper, the lucrative auto parts maker is owned by Lee Sang-eun, though there has been persistent speculation that the former president is its real owner.

   The probe came just days after Lee Si-hyung, son of the former president and an executive of DAS, was grilled by prosecutors over similar allegations.

   Prosecutors have recently found clues that a secret fund worth tens of billions of won was created through the company. (Yonhap)

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